Browsing: Marketing

Dịch vụ SEO (Search Engine Optimization) hay còn gọi là dịch vụ tối ưu hóa công cụ tìm kiếm là một tập hợp các kỹ thuật nhằm nâng cao thứ hạng website trên trang kết quả tìm kiếm (SERP) của các công cụ tìm kiếm phổ biến như Google, Bing, Yahoo,… qua đó thu hút thêm nhiều truy cập miễn phí (organic traffic) từ người dùng tiềm năng. Dịch vụ SEO đóng vai trò quan trọng trong chiến lược marketing online của doanh nghiệp, mang lại nhiều lợi ích thiết thực như: Dịch vụ SEO bao gồm nhiều hạng mục khác nhau, có thể chia…

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Content marketing has become a crucial way for businesses to attract attention and engage with their audience. Simply put, it involves creating valuable and relevant content to draw people to your website or social media profiles. In this blog, we’ll explore why content marketing is so important and how you can use it effectively. What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is all about writing articles, posts, and videos that appeal to your potential customers. These pieces of content aren’t just ads. Instead, they provide value, like tips, insights, or entertainment, without openly pushing a product. Why is Content Marketing Important?…

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Digital marketing has dramatically transformed since the early days of the internet. Here’s a simple explanation of how it has changed, moving from simple banner ads to the complex world of big data analytics. The Beginning: Banner Ads The first form of digital marketing most people encountered was the banner ad. In 1994, a company called HotWired bought a few banner ads on their website, and it quickly became a popular way to advertise. These ads were pretty straightforward—just like a billboard on the internet, nothing too fancy. The Rise of Search Engine Optimization As more people started using the…

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In today’s digital world, social media is a key player in the success of a brand. It offers a platform where businesses can not only present their products but also engage directly with their customers. This blog explores effective strategies for enhancing brand visibility and engagement on social media. Understand Your Audience The first step in powerful branding is to know who you are talking to. What does your ideal customer like? What are their habits? Tools like Facebook Insights and Google Analytics can help you gather this information. By understanding your audience, you can create content that they will…

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